Back to School Night and Info Expo Were a Double Hit!

MJ (lk)
Parents, teachers and some volunteer students gathered together this week three times, kicking off a tangibly positive and warm atmosphere, now that our entire community can be on campus together. The Parents Association Meeting played to a packed house of involved parents, who were pleased to hear from Dr. Hirstein and the three division heads. Communications Vice President Amanda Garamoni has brought the Ships Log newsletter back and will summarize the highlights of all PA meetings for parents who are unable to attend.

Later in the evening, MS and US parents gathered with teachers to learn more about a day in the life of a Pirate, while volunteer students offered assistance with mySTEDS and information about peer tutoring. The Parents in Prayer (PIPS) group introduced themselves to new and returning families, and FLIK Dining offered culinary delights from the school kitchen. 

On Wednesday, LS parents flooded the courtyard with happy chatter as they cruised the Info Expo and talked with teachers about what their children will learn this year. Special thanks to Maureen MacMullan, who managed the entire Info Expo, from conception to completion!