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Bequest and Planned Gifts

Gifts made as part of your overall estate plan...

which often benefit you now and Saint Edward’s School later – are known as ‘planned gifts.’ Planned giving allows you to provide future support for the areas and programs at Saint Edward’s that are of most interest to you and address important family and financial needs and often make a larger gift than you might have thought possible.

Planned gifts offer the following benefits:

  • Provide lifetime income for you and, if you wish, another beneficiary. 
  • Give you a substantial federal income-tax charitable deduction. 
  • Enable you to turn low-yielding assets into a higher income stream. 
  • Reduce or eliminate taxes on capital gains. 
  • Eliminate or reduce federal estate taxes. 
  • Ultimately provide a meaningful gift to Saint Edward’s School. 

Saint Edward’s School offers a variety of rewarding planned giving options, including bequests and other testamentary gifts, ways to receive income from a gift, and other planned giving options that may be of interest. 

Kathy Savage, Director of Development, would be happy to have a confidential conversation with anyone interested in exploring these or other planned giving opportunities to benefit one of the very finest of


List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Kathryn Savage

    Mrs. Kathryn Savage 

    Director of Development
    (772) 492-2353
    • 3 middle school girls standing with arms around each other

Benedict Legacy Society

The Benedict Legacy Society honors two of Saint Edward's most ardent champions, Nancy and Peter B. Benedict, and to recognize individuals who, in the same philanthropic spirit as the Benedicts, have named the School as a beneficiary in their estate planning.  

To qualify as a member of the Benedict Legacy Society, one simply must notify the School that it has been named as a beneficiary within the individual’s will, retirement or life insurance plan, charitable trust or annuity, or any means that conveys future real or personal property rights to the School. This type of giving makes sense for all of us as it allows one to continue to enjoy the full advantage of the assets earned over a lifetime while still providing generously for the School’s future. In addition to the satisfaction of helping future generations of Saint Edward’s students reap the benefits of the education that you, your children, or your grandchildren have enjoyed, you will gain significant income and/or estate tax benefits. Please contact Kathy Savage, (772) 231-5192 for more information.