A Sweet Dive into the World of Bees: Third Graders Explore Pollination and Honey Tasting

Kelly Hudson
After completing an in-depth unit on Wisconsin Fast Plants, third-grade students expanded their learning by exploring the vital role bees play in our ecosystem. They studied the process of pollination, the various tasks bees undertake, and the intricate process of honey production. As part of the unit, students built models of bees and a beehive and engaged in an interactive simulation by acting out the activities of bees within a hive. The unit concluded with an engaging honey-tasting activity, where students used their observation skills to analyze and identify four distinct types of honey: orange blossom, wildflower, clover, and blackberry. Through this sensory experience, students discovered how the nectar source from different flowers significantly influences the taste and color of honey. Click the link to get a sneak peek into the science lab and see the students in action!