Our Saint Edward's Community

Last Friday evening, Monika Srivastava and Kunal Shah hosted the annual Wine Extravaganza at their beautiful home. The Wine Extravaganza is an important event that helps support our annual Pirate Ball.

It was well-attended with over 100 people in attendance. As I made my way around the various groups, chatting about Saint Edward’s or just enjoying time with our families and friends, it became clear that people were genuinely happy about our school community. I couldn't help but notice the sense of pride everyone had in Saint Edward’s and our students and faculty. From alumni reminiscing about their days on campus to current parents discussing the incredible achievements of their children, the conversations were filled with admiration for the School’s continued growth and success.

Throughout the night, there was a sense of unity and purpose that transcended the socializing. Everyone there shared a common vision for the future of Saint Edward’s, a vision that includes providing an exceptional education, fostering creativity and critical thinking and building a supportive environment for all students. The wine donated at the Wine Extravaganza becomes part of the annual auction, and those proceeds go toward our educational programs and initiatives that ensure the School remains a leader in academic excellence.

As the evening wound down and people began to say their goodbyes, there was a lingering sense of excitement in the air. The success of the event was a testament to the strength of our community and the shared commitment to the future of Saint Edward's. The Wine Extravaganza was not just a celebration with good company, but a reminder of the incredible impact we can have when we come together in support of something meaningful. It was a night that will surely be remembered and a perfect lead-up to the Pirate Ball.

By the way, the Pirate Ball is April 26 at The Moorings! Make sure to mark your calendars and plan on attending.

I look forward to seeing you around campus!



January 24 - Academic Dean/Co-Director of College Counseling Mrs. Michele Sternberg will be on hand to discuss the College Counseling process.

January 31 - Head of School Dr. Stuart Hirstein will be on hand for a tour of the new pool, along with Mr. Steve Fenning, Aquatics Director. Please wear shoes that can get dirty!