Standing Ovation for Our Thespians at State

Our talented Theatre Department recently traveled to the State Thespian Competition in Tampa, bringing home top honors and unforgettable experiences. Under the guidance of Mr. and Mrs. Baker, our students delivered incredible performances, pushing themselves to new heights.

Jack Engel earned a Superior rating for monologues, while the ensemble of Cavanaugh Corrie, Jack Engel, Ivy Engel and Brody Kreiger also received a Superior for their ensemble acting performance. Savannah Brown and Lily Browning both shined in the solo musical category, each earning an Excellent rating.

“Every one of the students did an incredible job and found new levels to their performances. We are so very proud of them!” said Mr. Baker, reflecting on their success.

Beyond the competition, students immersed themselves in workshops, one-act plays and full-length productions, making the most of this exciting experience. Congratulations to our amazing thespians for their dedication and achievements!